ihloluhket |
what s/he does wrong |
kespi-wapololuhke |
s/he unintentionally makes error or does wrong |
'kisamoqehlal |
s/he wronged h/ by giving h/ sexually transmitted disease; he got her pregnant |
leyuwiw |
it happens; there is something wrong with it, there is something the matter with it |
mocahte |
(shape, position, manufacture) it is wrong |
mocokehkimsu |
s/he teaches self to do wrong, acquires bad habits |
't-oseyin, 't-eseyin |
(see note) there is something wrong with h/, there is something the matter with h/ |
oseyuwiw |
there is something wrong with it, there is something the matter with it |
polsotom |
s/he misunderstands; s/he hears wrong; s/he misses the point of what's being said |
'polsotomon |
s/he misunderstands it, hears it wrong |
'qolopuwemhutolal |
s/he puts h/ shoes on the wrong feet |
't-uwapolapomal |
s/he sees h/ wrong (i.e., misidentifies h/, mistakes h/ for someone else, etc.) |
't-uwapolapotomon |
s/he sees it wrong (e.g., misidentifies it, gets the color wrong when describing it, etc.) |
't-uwapolehtun |
s/he does it wrong, messes it up |
't-uwapolehtuwan |
s/he does wrong to or messes up something belonging to h/ |
't-uwapolekehtun |
s/he folds it in wrong way, folds it incorrectly or inaccurately (something sheet-like) |
't-uwapoleyutomon |
s/he wrongs it, does wrong by it |
't-uwapoleyuwal |
s/he does h/ wrong, wrongs h/ |
't-uwapolihtun |
s/he makes it incorrectly |
't-uwapoli-nutuwal |
s/he hears h/ incorrectly |
't-uwapoli-punomon |
s/he puts it in wrong place, positions it incorrectly |
't-uwapolitahamal |
s/he thinks about h/ improperly, has wrong opinion or idea about h/; s/he thinks there is something improper about h/ |
't-uwapolitahatomon |
s/he thinks about it improperly, has wrong opinion or idea about it; s/he thinks there is something improper about it |
't-uwapoliwihtomon |
s/he names or pronounces it incorrectly, calls it by wrong name |
't-uwapolokehkimal |
s/he instructs h/ incorrectly; s/he teaches h/ incorrect information, etc. |