
Entry Definition
s/he destroys it by hitting it
s/he misses with ax hitting with handle instead
s/he hits h/ on
s/he hits it on
s/he hits h/ to make h/ go onto something
s/he hits it to make it go onto something
s/he hits something belonging to h/ to make it go onto something
(baseball) s/he hits ball to h/ (fielder), who catches it for an out; s/he hits flyout to h/
s/he hits h/ squarely on head, s/he kills h/ by hitting h/ on head
s/he hits h/ easily; s/he pounds h/ easily (stick of ash)
s/he hits it quickly
s/he takes chance on hitting h/; (baseball) s/he takes wild swing at h/ (ball)
s/he hits it so hard that it bends at hinge or joint
s/he hits h/ out (e.g., through doorway); s/he kicks h/ out, throws h/ out (of house); (baseball) s/he causes h/ (pitcher) to be replaced by getting hits against h/
s/he hits it out, knocks it out (through window, door, etc.)
s/he bangs or hits it thus
s/he hits it away
it strikes or falls in that direction
s/he hits h/ thus (hurting or injuring h/)
s/he hits it thus (hurting or injuring it); s/he beats it thus (drum, etc.); s/he picks it (berry, sweetgrass, etc.)
s/he hurts it by hitting it
s/he hurts something belonging to h/ by hitting it
s/he hits h/ with stick, flogs or canes h/
s/he hits it with stick
s/he tries to hit it by shooting at it