
Entry Definition
s/he spreads legs and holds them apart
s/he is spread open; s/he sits with legs apart
it opens up, spreads apart
s/he, it opens up, spreads apart
it gradually spreads apart
s/he spreads it apart using mechanical device
s/he spreads apart something belonging to h/ using mechanical device
s/he, it forks, branches into V, spreads apart
h/ sews with stitches that are far apart or long; weaves over and under several warp threads at a time
s/he, it splits apart, splits open
s/he removes self, keeps self apart, does not get involved
s/he takes it apart, unrolls it, spreads out the pieces of it
s/he takes apart, unrolls, or spreads out the pieces of something belonging to h/
it is torn down, is taken apart, is dismantled
s/he it collapses, falls apart
s/he feels as if s/he is falling apart physically; s/he is not feeling well, feels ill
s/he breaks it (breaking it apart, breaking it into two pieces)
it burns in two, burns apart
s/he chews it apart (something soft, e.g., gristle)
s/he breaks it in two, breaks it apart
s/he trims it (using knife or scissors); s/he cuts it in two
s/he cuts in two or trims something belonging to h/ (with scissors, knife)
it breaks in two
s/he, it breaks in two
apart, into two separate pieces