
Entry Definition
(water, liquid) it flows below, flows under
it flows in four directions or channels (e.g., stream dividing into four branches)
(river, stream) it forks, it divides or comes together
in, at, to Whiting, Maine
it flows out (of something)
it flows in that direction
(water) it flows over (something)
(current) it flows against direction of boat travel; it flows far
(river, tidal inlet) it flows in
it flows along
(molasses, lava, wax, fresh paint, etc.) it slowly moves or flows down
(liquid) it flows down
(water, tide) its flow reverses, it flows in opposite direction (from the way it was flowing)
(flowing water or tide) the current is too fast
(liquid) it flows through
(water) it flows back or backward (e.g., reversing falls, backwash on beach)
(water) it flows roughly, flows with difficulty
(liquid) it drains
(liquid) it flows everywhere, flows in all directions
over, draped over, flowing over
(liquid) it flows over (something; e.g., water over dam)
over, draped over, flowing over
(liquid) it is flowing, it is running
it flows by; it flows so fast
tide, ebb and flow of tide