kiyahqakiye |
s/he, it is straight (i.e., not curved or bent) |
kiyahqapahasu |
it is marked with straight line(s) |
kiyahqessit |
(baseball) ball thrown straight |
kiyahqessu |
s/he goes in straight line |
kiyahqi (kiyahq-, kiyaq-) |
straight, straight ahead; direct, directly (toward something) |
kiyahqinehe |
(tree) h/ wood splits straight |
kiyahqi-te |
straight, straight ahead; directly toward something |
kiyahqiw |
straight, straight ahead |
kiyahqomu |
s/he, it juts out straight |
kiyaqhom |
s/he swims straight |
kiyaqte |
(something stick-like) it is straight (vertically or horizontally) |
linessu |
(splint, wood, pole) s/he, it splits along the grain, splits straight |
motkayiw |
straight up, directly overhead |
nomotahkapu |
s/he sits up straight, s/he sits on edge of seat |
noqcihkomon |
s/he goes directly to it, heads straight for it |
nuhsuwuhse |
s/he walks along straight line |
oloni-pinsis |
straight pin, common pin |
pomahqossin |
s/he lies straight, lies stretched out; s/he lies along (something) |
'qocuhse |
s/he walks straight ahead; s/he walks directly (to something) |
sasokaltoqe |
s/he has straight hair |
sasokamu |
(ball, kite, arrow) s/he, it flies straight (involuntarily) |
sasokapektihike |
s/he sews or weaves in continuous straight line |
sasokatokahte |
it extends in straight line |
'sasokatokehlal |
s/he stretches h/ straight |
sasokatokopu |
s/he extends in straight line |