
Entry Definition
s/he puts its head under (something); s/he plants it (plant) by covering it partly or completely with soil
s/he puts or places h/ in front (at the front)
s/he puts or places it in front (at the front)
s/he puts all of h/, places all of h/ (on something)
s/he puts h/ in lower position (on shelving, in job, etc.)
s/he puts or takes h/ out, lets h/ out, gets h/ out
s/he puts it out, pulls it out, gets it out, etc.
s/he puts it out (through window, door, etc.), holds it outside with hand(s)
s/he puts something belonging to h/ out (through window, door, etc.), holds it outside with hand(s)
s/he brings out or takes out something belonging to h/
s/he puts it out (through opening)
s/he puts something belonging to h/ out (through opening)
s/he leaves it for h/ to do, passes responsibility for it to h/; s/he places something belonging to h/, places it on something belonging to h/
s/he removes h/, deposes h/, takes or puts h/ out of the way
s/he puts h/, places h/; s/he puts h/ on (shoe, shirt, etc.)
it is put there, is installed; it is donated
s/he puts it, places it; s/he puts in on (sock, belt, etc.)
s/he puts or places something belonging to h/
s/he puts or places (something) for h/
s/he sets it firmly or securely in place (fastening or attaching it)
s/he lifts h/ up and puts h/ on top
s/he puts it on top (of something)
s/he puts something belonging to h/ on top
s/he puts it on top, s/he arranges it on surface
s/he hangs something belonging to h/ by placing it over something