
Entry Definition
s/he places it carelessly
s/he goes to many different places
s/he places h/ at a distance
s/he places it at a distance
s/he goes (comes) to put it
s/he puts h/ on, fastens h/ in place
s/he puts or places h/ in front (at the front)
s/he puts or places it in front (at the front)
s/he puts or places all of h/ into water
s/he puts all of h/, places all of h/ (on something)
s/he puts h/ in lower position (on shelving, in job, etc.)
s/he places h/ in too low a position, doesn't put h/ in high enough position (in space, in administrative hierarchy); s/he holds h/ in low esteem
s/he places it in too low a position; s/he does not put enough of it (e.g., money in collection basket)
s/he places something belonging to h/ in too low a position
s/he leaves it for h/ to do, passes responsibility for it to h/; s/he places something belonging to h/, places it on something belonging to h/
s/he places it farther away, s/he lays it down (from its standing position)
s/he tries it out to see how s/he likes it (a place)
h/ secret spot, h/ place (e.g., secret fishing hole or berry-picking place)
(hiker, canoeist) s/he, it comes to open place (clearing, open water, etc.)
something or someone from far away or long ago; (inanimate) faraway place, long-ago time or event
s/he sits differently, sits in a different place
s/he puts h/, places h/; s/he puts h/ on (shoe, shirt, etc.)
s/he puts it, places it; s/he puts in on (sock, belt, etc.)
s/he puts or places something belonging to h/
s/he puts or places (something) for h/