
Entry Definition
s/he kicks it out of sight (behind something)
s/he knocks it over backward using bodily force or by bumping into or kicking it
s/he stops kicking it
s/he stops kicking h/
s/he kicks it around
s/he kicks h/ around
s/he kicks it along ground or floor to hide it (e.g., kicks it under bed)
s/he kicks it out of sight to hide it; s/he steps on it or covers it with foot to hide it
s/he kicks something belonging to h/ out of sight to hide it
s/he kicks it off (of something)
s/he secretly kicks it
s/he kicks it dislocating its joint
s/he kicks h/ dislocating h/ joint (ankle, etc.)
s/he kicks the wind out of h/ (person)
s/he kicks it forward, pushes it with body
s/he kicks it forward, pushes it with body
(gun) it recoils hard, kicks back hard
s/he starts to kick it, kicks it away
s/he kicks it too late (e.g., field goal), steps on it too late
s/he kicks something belonging to h/ in various ways; s/he dances it in various ways for h/
s/he kicks it in the leg(s) causing it to fall down
s/he kicks h/ in leg(s) causing h/ to fall down
s/he kicks it quickly
s/he kicks h/ quickly (football); (inverse forms only; drink, medicine) s/he, it affects h/ quickly
s/he kicks it so hard that it bends at hinge or joint