
Entry Definition
s/he jumps behind something, jumps out of sight
s/he performs gymnastics, jumps rope, plays hopscotch; s/he jumps for joy
s/he jumps ahead
(e.g., stone skipping on water or pavement) it jumps ahead
(e.g., stone skipping on water or pavement) it jumps ahead
s/he jumps ahead
s/he jumps from place to place
s/he jumps when startled, twitches
s/he jumps when startled
s/he jumps into water
s/he stops jumping
s/he jumps back and forth
it jumps back and forth
s/he enters by jumping in
s/he enters by jumping in
s/he jumps across
s/he capsizes it by jumping or falling on it
s/he starts to jump, takes off jumping or with a leap
s/he jumps off or out of (something; e.g., off swing, out of car just before accident); (jump-roper) s/he jumps to avoid stepping on rope
s/he jumps ashore
s/he jumps forward, jumps ahead
it jumps ahead
it jumps or jerks forward
acrobat, gymnast; one who jumps or skips rope
s/he jumps out (of something)