
Entry Definition
s/he knocks h/ over, capsizes h/
s/he knocks it over, capsizes it
s/he tips over or capsizes suddenly
s/he, it tips over, capsizes
tipping, tipping over, tilting, capsizing
s/he tips it over by stepping or sitting on it (i.e., using weight of body); (boat) s/he capsizes it
s/he tips h/ over by stepping or sitting on h/ (that is, using weight of body); s/he capsizes h/ (person in boat)
s/he capsizes it by jumping or falling on it
s/he capsizes something (boat) belonging to h/
s/he capsizes h/
s/he capsizes something belonging to h/ (boat) by dipping paddle too far in
s/he capsizes something belonging to h/ (boat)
s/he capsizes h/ (person in boat) by dipping paddle too far in
s/he tips h/ (cooking pot), capsizes h/ (person in boat)
s/he tips it, tilts it, capsizes it
(pitcher, cooking pot, etc., spilling or pouring contents) s/he, it tips; (toboggan, boat, person in boat) s/he, it tips, capsizes
s/he tips it, capsizes it
s/he tips or capsizes something belonging to h/ (boat)