assokimahsu |
s/he has strange odor, smells odd |
ksihtone |
s/he has good or sharp sense of smell |
limahsu |
s/he smells thus |
limahte |
it smells thus |
maskahqaluwe |
s/he has smelly tail |
maskaqhe |
it has a sexual odor |
maskimahte |
it has a sexy scent |
mickonimahsu |
s/he smells of feces, smells as if s/he has soiled pants |
mickonimahte |
it smells like excrement |
mocaqhe |
it stinks, smells bad |
mocaqtunemahsu |
s/he has bad breath |
mocekimahsu |
h/ clothes stink; (garment, cloth) s/he stinks |
mocekimahte |
(garment, cloth) it stinks |
mocimahsu |
s/he smells bad, stinks, reeks |
mocimahte |
it smells bad, stinks, reeks |
moci-psahal |
s/he smells bad odor from h/, dislikes the smell of h/ |
moci-psehtun |
s/he smells bad odor from it, dislikes the smell of it, thinks it smells terrible, bad, etc.; (in translation) it smells bad to h/ |
moci-psehtuwan |
s/he dislikes the smell of something belonging to h/; s/he thinks something belonging to h/ smells bad |
moci-psuhusu |
s/he smells bad to self |
nutiyaqhessu |
(food) h/, its aroma goes or comes out (e.g., out of pot) |
pileyawimahsu |
s/he smells new |
'possahal |
s/he smells h/ |
'possehtun 1 |
s/he smells it |
'possehtuwan 1 |
s/he smells something belonging to h/ |
psehson |
it smells sour or spoiled |