psehtamu |
s/he smells, sniffs; s/he has sense of smell |
psonaqhessu |
h/, its aroma fills house or room |
sakhaqhe |
(odor, smell) it comes forth, it is perceived unexpectedly |
sensimahsu |
s/he smells like pennies; s/he has unpleasant body odor |
seskimahsu |
s/he has overwhelming fragrance (perfume, after-shave, etc.) |
seskimahte |
it has overwhelming fragrance (flower, orange, etc.) |
skutiyan |
(humorous) one whose clothes smell of urine |
skutiyanokimahsu |
h/ clothing smells of urine |
'soqqotolal |
s/he makes h/ vomit by producing smell, fumes, etc. |
suwitokolasimahte |
it smells like sweetgrass (Pesk) |
ulimahtekhal |
s/he makes h/ smell good; s/he perfumes h/, sprays h/ with cologne, etc. |
ulimahtekhomon |
s/he makes it smell good, perfumes it |
wehqamahte |
it smells dank or stuffy from being closed up |
wewi-psahal |
s/he recognizes the smell of h/, recognizes h/ by h/ smell |
wewi-psehtun |
s/he recognizes the smell of it, recognizes it by its smell |
wewi-psehtuwan |
s/he recognizes the smell of something belonging to h/, recognizes something belonging to h/ by its smell |
wikuwaci-psehtun, wihqaci-psehtun |
s/he likes to smell it |
wolaqhe |
it is fragrant, smells good |
wolimahsu |
s/he smells good |
wolimahte |
it smells good, is fragrant |
woloqiyewimahsu |
s/he has underarm odor; h/ armpits smell bad |