
Entry Definition
s/he cuts the hair on something belonging to h/
s/he cuts own hair
s/he combs own hair
s/he runs fingers through h/ hair
s/he braids h/ hair for h/, ties h/ hair for h/ (with ribbon, string, etc.)
h/ hair is mussed up
s/he is braiding h/ hair for h/; s/he is tying h/ hair for h/ (with ribbon, string, etc.)
s/he has thick hair or fur
s/he parts h/ hair with fingers
s/he has long hair
(body part) it has bushy or thick hair
(animal) s/he has bushy or thick hair
(person) s/he has bushy or thick hair
s/he has bushy hair
hair (single strand)
h/ hair (the hair on h/ head)
s/he has hair on head
(clothing, fabric) it has hair on it
s/he has gum, tar, etc. (anything sticky) in hair
s/he pulls h/ hair (in order to hurt h/) and holds on
s/he yanks h/ hair and lets go
s/he parts h/ hair
s/he parts it (hair) for h/
s/he parts h/ hair for h/
s/he parts h/ hair