
Entry Definition
s/he smells bad to self
(cards) s/he holds bad hand
s/he distrusts h/, thinks of h/ as bad, thinks badly of h/; s/he has lewd thoughts about h/
bad thought(s), evil thought(s), lewd thought(s)
s/he affects h/ badly; s/he holds h/ in lewd manner; (inverse forms; garment) s/he looks bad on h/, s/he doesn't suit h/
s/he teaches self to do wrong, acquires bad habits
(weather, events, luck) it is a bad day
it looks like bad weather
s/he does something that indicates that bad weather is coming
the wind is blowing from bad direction, is blowing in bad weather
s/he does bad or evil things
s/he tells h/ bad side of it
s/he dislikes the feel of it; (in translation) it feels bad to h/
(cards) s/he holds bad hand
s/he sounds bad to self, dislikes sound of own voice
s/he dislikes the sound of it; (in translation) it sounds bad to h/, it sounds dirty or blasphemous
s/he dislikes the sound of h/ (h/ voice, h/ words); (in translation) s/he sounds bad to h/, s/he sounds to h/ as if s/he is talking dirty or cursing
s/he is bad shot
s/he teaches self bad habits (e.g., drinking, doing drugs, gambling)