
Entry Definition
it works its way upward, it gradually moves upward
s/he goes uphill, goes up the hill
s/he hits it high up in air
(with gun, bow) s/he aims upward
s/he stands upright something belonging to h/
s/he walks upward
s/he, it moves rapidly upward, flies upward (involuntarily)
s/he glances up
s/he looks up or upward (from lower place)
s/he climbs upward; s/he speaks at a high level, speaks sophisticatedly
s/he moves items (books, furniture, etc.) up (upstairs, to higher shelf, etc.) and arranges them
s/he moves upward (upstairs, uphill) without making any noise, stealthily
s/he walks upward (upstairs, uphill) without making any noise
(bird, pilot) s/he flies up, soars high
s/he, it goes upward, ascends; (inanimate; blood pressure, measurement) it goes up
s/he chases or frightens h/ causing h/ to climb upward
s/he, it floats upward (in water or air)
s/he, it moves rapidly upward, flies upward (involuntarily)
s/he climbs up
(bird, pilot) s/he flies up