
Entry Definition
s/he files (metal); s/he sharpens, hones
(tool for working metal) file; grinding wheel, sharpening stone
(tool for working metal) file; grinding wheel, sharpening stone
(person who sharpens blades, points, etc.) filer, cutler
s/he sharpens h/ using file (quill, spoon, etc.)
s/he sharpens it using file (blade, knife, ax, etc.)
s/he sharpens it using file (edge of blade, knife, ax, etc.)
s/he sharpens it with file (pencil, point of stick), files it to a point
s/he whittles it to sharp point (using knife)
s/he sharpens it with hatchet or ax
hone, fine sharpening stone or whetstone
s/he is sharpening, is honing (using file)
s/he takes time sharpening it with file, sharpens it carefully, hones or resharpens it (blade, tool, etc.)
it is nicely pointed, well sharpened
it is well sharpened, is honed precisely