
Entry Definition
s/he cuts so much or so many pieces of something belonging to h/
s/he cuts it out
s/he cuts h/ down, fells h/ (tree)
s/he cuts it down
s/he cut it out, can cut it out (with scissors)
s/he sliced it, can slice it (with knife)
s/he cut a piece from it, can cut a piece from it
s/he cut h/, can cut h/
s/he cut it, can cut it
s/he cut or can cut something belonging to h/
s/he cut self
(e.g., tree) s/he, it was cut, can be cut; s/he, it was pounded, can be pounded
s/he nearly cuts it but misses, the knife slipping off it
s/he pushes way in, cuts in line in front of others; s/he interrupts
s/he takes shortcut, cuts across
s/he is cutting logs
s/he cuts up (trees) into logs
s/he cuts wood
s/he cuts basket-weavers using gauge
s/he starts to hit h/; s/he starts to chop or cut h/ down (tree); s/he drives h/ away
s/he begins to cut; s/he begins to carve (e.g., meat, turkey)
s/he cuts or stabs h/ with knife
s/he cuts or stabs it with knife (e.g., pillow, body part)
(tree, log, pole) s/he, it is poorly cut (e.g., crooked, too short); (ash log) s/he is poorly pounded
s/he cuts it out (from piece of cloth, paper, etc.)