
Entry Definition
s/he keeps hitting it against something
leaning against
s/he leans h/ (against something)
s/he stands leaning against it, leans on it
it is leaning (against something)
s/he leans it (against something)
s/he sits leaning against it
s/he sits leaning against it with knees raised
s/he braces h/ against falling, props h/ up
(boxer, etc.) s/he takes stance against h/, braces self to fight h/ (also used in reference to arguments, debates, etc.)
s/he makes it against will, against orders; s/he forces self to make it
s/he runs into or hits against something (wall, post, boulder, iceberg, etc.)
it runs into or hits against something (wall, post, boulder, iceberg, etc.)
it hits lightly (against something)
they race against each other
s/he goes against h/
s/he talks against h/, opposes h/, belittles h/
s/he talks against it, opposes it
s/he blocks h/ entrance or exit by pushing against door with body
(rope, string) s/he strikes sharply against something, pounds against something
it is against the law
(baseball) s/he is starting to hit against h/ (pitcher)
s/he fights against it, fights it off
s/he speaks strongly against it, opposes it
s/he taps h/ (against something), taps with h/