
Entry Definition
s/he is fighting against it
s/he is tapping it (against something), is tapping with it
(current) it flows against direction of boat travel; it flows far
s/he has unfavorable current (for sailing, canoeing, etc.)
(sailing) s/he goes against the wind, s/he tacks
(sailing) s/he goes against the wind, s/he tacks
touching, up against, adjacent to; attaching
touching, up against, adjacent to, attached to, very close to
s/he pushes h/ up against a post, tree-trunk, etc.
s/he sits against h/ (next to h/ and touching h/; e.g., on bench)
s/he sits against it
s/he rubs it against something
(rope, string, fish) s/he is beating against something
s/he is going against the wind
s/he plays with others (sport, game); s/he runs against others for office