
Entry Definition
(animate) die, playing piece; (inanimate) game
s/he cuts it into small bits
s/he slices something belonging to h/ into thin pieces
s/he chops h/ into small pieces
s/he chops it into small pieces
s/he chops something belonging to h/ into small pieces
s/he cuts it small, cuts it into small pieces
s/he separates it into pieces, takes it apart
an odd piece; whatnot; stuff
s/he cuts so much of h/; s/he cuts h/ into so many pieces
s/he cuts so much of it; s/he cuts it into so many pieces
s/he cuts so much or so many pieces of something belonging to h/
s/he cut a piece from it, can cut a piece from it
s/he, it moves in mass of pieces
s/he shreds it, tears it to pieces; s/he finishes tearing it, has finished tearing it
it smashes into pieces
(soft substance) it is in many scattered pieces
s/he removes h/ bit by bit, removes h/ a piece at a time; (with plural direct object) s/he removes them one at a time, picks them one by one
s/he breaks off chunks or pieces of it using hand(s)
s/he cuts it into pieces or chunks (e.g., meat)
s/he smashes it to pieces
s/he smashes h/, smashes h/ into small pieces (usually, soft item or substance)
s/he smashes it, smashes it into small pieces (usually, soft item or substance)
s/he smashes into small pieces something soft belonging to h/
s/he smashes h/ by throwing h/ (onto floor, against wall, etc.)