
Entry Definition
(soft item or substance; figuratively, a person or animal) s/he falls and smashes, smashes into small pieces
(soft item or substance) it smashes, smashes into small pieces
s/he tears it into pieces by making repeated tears
something made of small pieces of wood
checker, chess piece, cribbage peg, etc.
it breaks into small pieces, shatters
s/he busts or smashes h/ into pieces by hitting h/
s/he busts or smashes it into pieces by hitting it
s/he tears it to pieces
s/he smashes it to bits, dashes it to pieces
s/he breaks h/ into pieces (bottle, etc.)
s/he smashes things, breaks things into pieces
wood chip, small piece of wood, piece of broken wood
s/he gathers wood chips, or small pieces of wood
s/he breaks piece off h/ with hand(s)
s/he breaks piece off of it with hand(s)
s/he slices piece of h/
s/he slices piece of it
removing piece or pieces
piece of sod; clump of earth
s/he, it crumbles, is friable; pieces fall off or wash off h/, it (e.g., plaster, sandstone)
(wood) board, piece of lumber
piece or shard of broken glass
s/he gives it to h/ in instalments or a bit at a time (money, food, candy, etc.)
it is one piece of wood