look 1

Entry Definition
it is starting to look like something; (show, dance) it has started; (train, bus) it looks as if it is about to depart
s/he is seen to be beginning or starting to do something
s/he looks frail
it is strange looking, odd looking (mainly Wol)
s/he is strange looking, is odd looking (mainly Wol)
(clothing, etc.) it looks sexy
it looks better, it looks improved
s/he looks better (after having been ill)
it is good or looks good (for purpose)
s/he likes the looks of it, s/he thinks it cute
s/he likes the way something belonging to h/ looks
s/he likes the looks of h/, s/he thinks h/ cute
it looks messy or dirty
s/he looks messy or dirty
(ugly, in poor condition, of poor quality) it looks bad
(ugly, in poor condition, of poor quality) s/he looks bad
s/he looks bad to self, finds self unattractive
s/he thinks it looks terrible, bad, etc.; s/he dislikes the look of it
s/he dislikes the look of something belonging to h/; s/he thinks something belonging to h/ looks bad
s/he dislikes the look of h/
it looks like bad weather
it looks messy or sloppy
it looks black
s/he looks black
(part of body, etc.) it looks to be in poor condition; (situation, etc.) it looks discouraging