over 1

Entry Definition
(liquid) it flows over (something; e.g., water over dam)
over, draped over, flowing over
(baseball: pitched ball) s/he is high (above strike zone); (person) s/he goes over (e.g., over falls in canoe, off tracks in derailment)
s/he swims on top of (over) something submerged
s/he swims over it
s/he wears it over other clothing; s/he drives it (e.g., car) over something
s/he wears something belonging to h/ (garment); s/he drives something belonging to h/ (car, truck) over something
s/he wears h/ (e.g., shirt) over other clothing; s/he drives h/ (e.g., horse) over something
s/he places it (sheet, tablecloth, flag, mosquito net, etc.) over something
s/he places it over something so that it hangs
s/he hangs something belonging to h/ by placing it over something
waterfall; place where water flows over something (e.g., flat rock in stream)