
Entry Definition
s/he presses it down
s/he presses down something belonging to h/
s/he presses on it and rubs it; s/he shakes it to settle it (container or contents)
s/he presses it down or compacts it with foot (feet)
s/he presses down or compacts something belonging to h/ with foot (feet)
s/he presses it down, compacts it (using tool, equipment, etc.)
s/he presses down or compacts something belonging to h/
s/he has hands pressed together (e.g., in prayer)
s/he presses h/ down
s/he presses it down
s/he squeezes h/, presses h/
squeeze bulb, plunger, gadget that works by squeezing or pressing (e.g., car-horn)
s/he presses it, squeezes it
s/he presses or squeezes it slowly with body
s/he presses or squeezes h/ slowly with body
s/he presses on it forcefully with foot or body; s/he brakes it (e.g., car)
s/he presses on h/ forcefully with foot or body (e.g., gas pedal); s/he brakes h/ (bicycle, by pedalling backward)
squeeze-bulb, plunger, gadget that works by squeezing or pressing quickly (e.g., atomizer)
s/he hurts h/ by pressing on or squeezing part of body with hand(s)
s/he presses it with foot; s/he drives it forward, accelerates it (car); s/he pushes it (idea)
s/he presses with foot or drives forward something belonging to h/, pushes something belonging to h/ (e.g., idea)
s/he presses h/ with foot or shoulder; s/he pushes h/ (to work harder)
s/he presses or squeezes it slowly or gently with body