
Entry Definition
s/he places it in too low a position; s/he does not put enough of it (e.g., money in collection basket)
s/he places something belonging to h/ in too low a position
s/he demotes h/, places h/ in low-ranking position
(official, administrator) s/he has low position
(rope, thread, vein, snake) s/he is set thus, positioned thus; s/he extends thus
(hair, rein, train, garden row, story) it is set thus, positioned thus; it extends thus
s/he has new position (e.g., in government)
s/he holds different position or office; s/he has extraordinary powers; s/he is born with caul
s/he assumes fetal position
(job, rank, office) s/he holds position for so long a time
(official, administrator) s/he has high position
s/he sits up high, has a high position
s/he puts it in wrong place, positions it incorrectly
s/he puts self in comfortable position, ensconces self