ptahma, ptahme

verb ai 13
s/he hooks fish, catches fish; he "hooks" girl
Plural : ptahmahtuwok, ptahmawolotuwok, ptahmawotuwok
Prefixed Verb Stem : -pothoma-
Unprefixed Verb Stem : ptahma-
Changed Verb Stem : pethoma-

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
Wolelomoqe pethomat. He is lucky to hook a fish.
Nqoss-ona ptahma pilsqehsisol. My son hooked a girl.
Kis kpothom? Have you hooked anything yet?
Notes : (also, ptohom)
Keywords :

Audio Recordings :

Audio Recording Type of Recording Authored by
word Stephanie
word Dolly
example Stephanie
example Dolly