cinahqolamu |
s/he has bass voice, has deep voice |
etutaqahtek |
(conjunct forms only) the snow is very deep |
kakawqahsu |
s/he sleeps deeply (is hard to wake up) |
kakawqahsuwin, kakawqahsuwinuwin |
deep sleeper |
kaski (kask-) |
deep; falling over edge |
kci-kcihq |
back-woods, deep woods or forest; big forest |
kcita (kcitay-) |
penetrating, going deep into |
kinuloke |
(boat) its hull is deep |
koskitome, kaskitome |
(water) it gets deep suddenly, abruptly; there is body of water at base of cliff; (lake bed, shoreline, etc.) it drops off abruptly, there is steep dropoff underwater |
ktanaqahte |
the snow is deep (e.g., in drift) |
lamahqihkuk |
deep in the forest |
lamipisokiw |
in the woods, deep in the woods |
maciyalikonike |
s/he starts walking through deep snow, goes off walking through deep snow (without snowshoes) |
maspahkewoton |
the frost goes deep into the ground |
mehcitome |
(body of water) the deep part comes to an end |
mula (mulay-) |
deep into; going deep |
mulahte |
it is in deep, is deeply rooted |
mulamulal |
s/he puts h/ in deep |
mulamutun |
s/he puts it in deep |
mulatahatomon |
s/he feels it deeply (emotion) |
mulatomuwehe |
(boat, iceberg) s/he, it sits deep in the water; (whale) s/he sounds |
mulayahkalal |
s/he digs deep hole in h/, digs deep hole for h/ |
mulayahkatomon |
s/he digs deep hole in it, digs deep hole for it |
mulayalkasu |
it is dug deep, is dredged |
mulayalkatasik |
deep hole (usually, in ground) |