
Entry Definition
s/he holds its mouth open (e.g., sack)
s/he takes or gets hold of h/, catches hold of h/
s/he gets hold of it, catches it by grabbing it (moving object)
s/he holds it out in front of self; holds it out as conciliatory offering; s/he puts it forward, pushes for it (e.g., pet project)
s/he holds it between legs, is astride it
s/he holds between legs something belonging to h/
s/he holds h/ between legs; (wrestling) s/he has scissors-hold on h/
s/he stands holding it between legs (object resting on ground)
s/he holds h/ (garment, etc.) by pinching h/ with fingers; s/he holds onto h/ (person) by pinching h/ clothing
s/he holds it (cloth, paper, etc.) by pinching it with fingers
s/he holds it sideways with teeth (bone, stick, etc.)
s/he just misses getting hold of it (object just out of reach)
s/he puts it out (through window, door, etc.), holds it outside with hand(s)
s/he puts something belonging to h/ out (through window, door, etc.), holds it outside with hand(s)
s/he holds h/ thus in hand(s)
s/he holds it thus in hand(s)
s/he hands it to h/, holds it out to h/
s/he moves it in that direction; s/he extends it, points it, holds it out (etc.) in that direction
s/he holds it thus (something string-like; e.g., sweetgrass braid)
s/he grabs and holds h/
s/he is holding on to something to keep from falling; s/he is holding on to someone affectionately
s/he grabs and holds it; s/he maintains it
s/he holds h/ (vowel) for a long time (e.g., in singing)
it is tucked in and held in place by friction; it has been slid into place
(syllable, sound) it is stressed or accented; (vocal sound) it is held longer