
Entry Definition
(cloth, paper, etc.) it is white
white person, white man
s/he, it is white in color
white in color
s/he has white beard or whiskers
h/ foot or leg is white; h/ feet or legs are white
it sticks out and is white (e.g., whiter than what it sticks out from)
(light, eye) it shows white when it flickers
white of eye
(eye) the white of it shows up
s/he has white rump
h/ fingernails flash white
(sapwood of Fraxinus nigra) ash wood with whitish color (used for fancy baskets)
it is painted white
s/he paints it white
it looks white
s/he looks white, looks pale
h/ face is white or pale
s/he has white band around neck
s/he thinks like white person
(wood, board) it is white
(garment, shoelace, etc.) it looks whitish or light gray
(garment, rope, string, etc.) s/he looks whitish or light gray; (person) h/ clothes look whitish or light gray
white person, white man; (wenuhcomol) h/ male helper or caregiver
white woman