't-amonihkomon |
s/he makes detour around it, bypasses it, circles around it |
amoniw |
detouring around, bypassing; (Wol, also) around in a circle; encircling, orbiting |
amoniye |
s/he makes detour, bypasses; (Wol) s/he, it goes around in a circle, orbits, encircles |
amonuhse |
s/he walks around (detouring or bypassing; circling) |
kisakisu |
(moon) s/he has become full, has become a full circle |
'sakhi-amoniye |
s/he, it comes circling or detouring into view |
wiwonahte |
it is positioned around circumference; it circles, it surrounds |
wiwonakisu |
(circle, disk) s/he is round |
wiwonamu |
s/he, it goes or flies around in circle (involuntarily) |
wiwonatokesson |
(chain, wire, etc.) it wraps around or circles something |
wiwonawtosson |
there is road or path circling something; it is loop road |
wiwonessu |
s/he goes around in circle |
wiwoni (wiwon-) |
around in a circle; encircling, orbiting |
wiwoni-kiwtahqesson |
it spins or twirls and follows circular path |
wiwoniptun |
s/he carries it around circle or circular path |
wiwoni-qasku |
s/he runs around circular course; (baseball) s/he hits home run and runs around bases (especially, Wol) |
wiwoniw |
around in a circle; encircling, orbiting |
wiwoniye |
s/he, it goes around in a circle, orbits, encircles |
wiwonohom |
s/he swims in circle, swims around (something) |
wiwonuhse |
s/he walks around in a circle, walks around something |