
Entry Definition
it is bad or disappointing experience
it has bad shape, is unattractive in shape
s/he has bad hearing, is hard of hearing
it is a bad or dangerous hole; it is a bad neighborhood, dangerous place
s/he has misfortune or bad luck; s/he is unlucky
s/he brings bad luck, causes bad luck
it brings bad luck, causes bad luck
bad, of poor quality; evil; lewd, obscene, dirty
it tastes bad
s/he tastes bad
it sounds bad, has unpleasant sound; it sounds lewd or dirty
s/he sounds bad; s/he has unpleasant voice
it is spoiled, no good; it is incorrect; it is smutty, is vulgar; it is evil
s/he is bad, evil; (food) s/he is spoiled, sour, rancid; s/he is in bad condition
bad or evil person
bad or wicked deed; evil-doing
s/he smells bad, stinks, reeks
it smells bad, stinks, reeks
s/he looks bad to self, finds self unattractive
s/he thinks it looks terrible, bad, etc.; s/he dislikes the look of it
s/he dislikes the look of something belonging to h/; s/he thinks something belonging to h/ looks bad
s/he smells bad odor from h/, dislikes the smell of h/
s/he smells bad odor from it, dislikes the smell of it, thinks it smells terrible, bad, etc.; (in translation) it smells bad to h/
s/he dislikes the smell of something belonging to h/; s/he thinks something belonging to h/ smells bad
s/he is bad-hearted, is evil-hearted