
Entry Definition
more and more; gradually increasing, increasingly
again! do it again!, encore!; give me some more!
s/he, it costs more, is more expensive, is worth more
there is more of h/; (plural forms) there are more of them
there is more of it, there is more of it than it seems; (plural) there are more of them (than it seems)
s/he eats more (than someone else does; than s/he did before)
s/he has more of it
s/he has more of something belonging to h/
it looks as if there is more of it than there really is
it looks as if there is more of h/ than there really is; s/he overacts, overreacts (e.g., has inappropriately enthusiastic response); s/he is a "drama queen"
s/he thinks more of it
more, more so
more; anymore
s/he teaches h/ more, disciplines h/ more
even more
a little more, a little farther or further
more, more than
s/he runs out of it (has no more of it, has used it up)
(motion, extension, orientation) away, facing away; (time) into or toward the future, progressing, continuing on; (elomi ... olomi ...) the more ... the more ...
s/he eats more than appropriate share of h/ food
s/he takes more than s/he should (e.g., farmer moving fence into neighbor's property and claiming it as own); s/he takes inordinate amount of it
s/he, it costs more, is more expensive, is worth more
more, most
s/he is more assertive, is most assertive