esuwiw |
back and forth |
esuwiye |
s/he, it goes back and forth, commutes |
esuwonike |
s/he goes back and forth carrying or fetching firewood |
esuwuhse |
s/he walks back and forth |
't-esuwuhsolal |
s/he walks h/ back and forth, walks back and forth holding and soothing h/ (baby) |
't-esuwuhulal |
s/he goes back and forth ferrying h/ |
esuwuhutahsu |
s/he ferries back and forth |
't-esuwuhutun |
s/he goes back and forth ferrying it |
esuwustahsu |
s/he walks back and forth holding and soothing baby |
esuwuwikhomawotuwok |
they write back and forth to each other, they correspond |
ewot-, awot- |
carrying back and forth |
ewotapilom, awotapilom, awotiyapilom |
s/he goes back and forth bringing or taking water |
't-ewotewolal |
s/he goes back and forth bringing or taking h/ |
ewotewotahsu |
s/he goes back and forth bringing items, people, etc. |
ewotewotahsuwiw |
it goes back and forth bringing items, people, etc. |
't-ewotewotun |
s/he goes back and forth bringing it or taking it |
't-ewotewotuwan |
s/he goes back and forth bringing it to h/ |
ewotonahsu |
s/he goes back and forth bringing a load each time (using sled, wheelbarrow, etc.) |
ewotonike |
s/he goes back and forth bringing or taking wood |
't-ewotuhulal |
s/he goes back and forth ferrying h/ |
ewotuhutahsuwiw |
it ferries back and forth |
't-ewotuhutun |
s/he goes back and forth ferrying it |
't-ewotuhutuwan |
s/he goes back and forth ferrying something belonging to h/ (e.g., h/ merchandise) |
lapekiye |
s/he, it swings, rocks back and forth |
mehtuwehpusu |
s/he loses hair by rubbing back and forth on something |