nuhtoqahpu |
s/he has too little to eat, has not enough to eat |
nuhtoqayapuwe |
s/he doesn't get enough to drink or eat (water, beer, soup, stew, etc.) |
nutahpu |
s/he does not have enough to eat |
oheluwihposku |
s/he is choosy about what s/he eats, is fussy eater |
't-olomal |
s/he eats h/ thus |
't-olotomon |
s/he eats it thus |
't-olsiyal |
s/he eats more than appropriate share of h/ food |
't-otolomal |
s/he is eating h/ |
't-otolotomon |
s/he is eating it |
paskihpu |
s/he eats so much s/he feels as if s/he is bursting |
'pekotomon |
s/he eats it clean (e.g., bone); s/he eats all of it |
pomawsuwinuwihpu |
s/he eats people, is cannibal |
psonihpu |
s/he eats until full |
qasqehpu |
s/he eats frequently, eats on the run, eats between meals, picks up bits to eat here and there, snacks |
sahsihpu |
s/he eats fast |
'sahsomal |
s/he eats h/ fast (apple, cheese, etc.) |
sakhi-pithusu |
s/he interferes, muscles in; (humorous) s/he comes in just to eat and then leaves |
'samihpu |
s/he eats too much, overeats |
'saputiyalokotomon |
s/he eats or bites hole through it |
'saputiyalokotomuwan |
s/he eats hole through something belonging to h/ |
sasotasu |
it is eaten fast |
'sasotomon |
s/he eats it fast |
'sasotomuwan |
s/he eats something belonging to h/ quickly |
'siqepal |
s/he empties h/ (bottle, jar, etc.) by drinking or eating |
'siwotomon |
s/he is tired of eating it |