mahqanihposku |
s/he habitually eats sweets, has sweet tooth |
mahqanihpu |
s/he eats sweet food, eats sweets |
mamatuwihpu |
s/he eats what s/he has available |
mamkonihpu |
s/he is eating whatever s/he can find |
mawehpuwok |
they get together to eat, gather together to eat (e.g., at someone's house) |
mawihpuwok |
they eat together |
mehsihpit |
(conjunct forms only) why s/he is eating; why is s/he eating? |
memhuwihpu |
s/he eats to heart's content, eats until full |
memihpu |
s/he has eaten enough; s/he is full |
memotomon |
s/he has eaten enough of it |
micasu |
it is eaten, is edible |
micin |
s/he eats it |
mickonke |
(dog, insect, other animal) s/he eats excrement or dung |
mickonkehs |
(dog, insect, etc.) animal that eats excrement or dung |
milihpu |
s/he eats many different foods |
mimihpu |
s/he eats greasy or oily food |
mitsihtasuwehkan |
s/he uses it to eat with |
mitsu |
s/he eats |
miyahsihpu |
s/he eats early |
mocihposku |
s/he habitually eats dirty or spoiled food, eats badly or poorly |
mocihpu |
s/he eats badly or poorly; s/he eats things that are dirty, spoiled, etc. |
mociluwe |
s/he does not feel like eating (e.g., due to sickness, queasiness) |
mokehpu |
s/he eats a lot, has voracious appetite, is edacious |
mokehtomon |
s/he eats a lot of it |
mokepal |
s/he eats a lot of h/ |