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Entry Definition
(basketmaking) s/he folds or bends h/ back, folds h/ to the outside (stander, i.e., vertical splint of unfinished basket)
(basketmaking) s/he folds back the standers (vertical splints) of it (unfinished basket; i.e., folds them to the outside, before positioning rim at top)
s/he glances back (over shoulder)
s/he looks back at h/
s/he looks back at it
s/he looks back (over shoulder)
s/he turns h/ inside-out, folds h/ back
s/he turns it inside-out, folds it back
inside-out, folded back
his foreskin is pulled or folded back
s/he wears it inside-out; s/he tilts it back at an angle (e.g., chair s/he is sitting in)
s/he is inside-out, is folded back
it is turned inside-out, is folded back
going along a back road
s/he backs water with it (paddle), brakes it (canoe) using paddle stroke
as far back as possible; way back
(basketmaking) s/he folds back the standers (vertical splints) of it (unfinished basket; i.e., folds them to the outside, before positioning rim at top)
in back yard
it is situated at a distance, it sits back (from something)
s/he looks back quickly over shoulder, glances back
(paper, cloth, etc.) it is turned over, it is folded back
s/he holds back on what s/he is saying about h/ (out of respect for h/)
s/he pushes it back using force of body; s/he wears it backward (garment)
s/he pushes h/ back using force of body; s/he wears h/ backward (garment)
s/he pulls h/ back