back 1

Entry Definition
s/he chases it back, makes it retreat
s/he cringes, s/he moves back because of fear
(clock) it is turned back, is turned counterclockwise
s/he pulls it back (into lock position); s/he sets it back (clock)
s/he stands back from it
s/he stands back, moves back when standing
s/he tells h/ to move back
(basketmaking) s/he folds the standers (vertical splints) of it back
s/he pushes h/ back
s/he pushes h/ back using hand(s) (e.g., tree about to fall)
s/he leaves backing up (e.g., in car)
s/he holds h/ back (pushing or pulling h/)
s/he holds it back (pushing or pulling it)
s/he retreats, runs back fleeing
it rolls back
s/he sits back; s/he sits backward, sits facing back; (letter, number) s/he is written backward
s/he sets h/ back, puts or places h/ farther back
s/he sets it back, places it farther back
s/he sets back or places farther back something belonging to h/
(basketmaker) s/he weaves (a stander) back (along itself — after folding it)
s/he jumps backward, jumps back
s/he is shy, stands back, cowers, blenches
s/he drags or slides h/ back (log, person lying on floor, etc.)
it slides back quickly
s/he, it slides back quickly