
Entry Definition
s/he ties it shut, ties it up
s/he seals or shuts it by wrapping it (e.g., with tape) or tying it
s/he seals something belonging to h/ by wrapping or tying it
s/he ties it closed using tool
tool that ties something shut (e.g., potato sack)
(felled trunk of any species of tree) log; railroad tie
something used on railroad; (animate) railroad tie
s/he bundles h/ together and ties h/ (e.g., rope)
s/he bundles them together and ties them
it is tied together
s/he ties h/ firmly, ties h/ fast (e.g., string, rope; dog)
s/he ties it firmly (e.g., shoelace); s/he ties it permanently, ties it fast
s/he ties firmly or ties fast something belonging to h/
s/he ties h/ to keep h/ from unravelling or coming unsewn
s/he ties or knots securely; s/he knits or crochets, does macramé
(rope, thread, etc.) s/he, it is tied permanently, is tied to prevent unravelling or coming unsewn
s/he ties it permanently, ties it to keep it from unravelling or coming unsewn
s/he ties permanently something belonging to h/
s/he ties h/ onto something
s/he ties it onto something
s/he ties something belonging to h/ onto something
one who bundles and ties
(something string-like) it is hanging out tied to something
s/he winds h/ up (e.g., doll); s/he ties h/ (e.g., shoe)
s/he winds it up; s/he operates it (mechanism, engine), turns it on (radio, television, etc.), plays it (phonograph, etc.); s/he ties it up (package)