
Entry Definition
s/he tramples it; s/he ties it tight
s/he ties tightly something belonging to h/
s/he ties h/ tighter
s/he ties it tighter
s/he ties h/ tight
s/he ties it tight
s/he ties or binds h/ together from two like pieces; (with plural direct object) ties or binds them together
s/he ties or binds it together from two like pieces; (with plural direct object) s/he ties or binds them together (e.g., in basketmaking, binds two parallel sections of handle together to achieve desired width)
s/he ties or binds it together forming it from two like pieces; (with plural direct object) s/he ties or binds them together
s/he ties or laces or wires it together; s/he bolts or screws it together
(wood, steel) beam; railroad tie
s/he ties it (knot)
s/he ties h/ up with many knots or strings; s/he tangles h/ up (in string, etc.); s/he winds h/ up (e.g., as spider would do to fly)
s/he ties it up with many knots or strings; s/he tangles, winds it up (in string, etc.)
s/he tangles (etc.) something belonging to h/
s/he ties h/ to post, railing, etc.
s/he ties it (boat, sled, balloon, etc.) to something, tethers it
s/he ties h/ up, ties h/ to something
s/he is tied (to something)
it is tied, is bound
s/he ties it, binds it
s/he ties something belonging to h/
s/he ties it to something
s/he ties h/ shut, buttons h/ up
s/he ties it shut, buttons it up