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Displaying 201 - 225 of 19319
Entry | Definition |
't-ahtopkuwal | s/he meets h/ unexpectedly, "bumps into" h/ |
't-ahtoptahal | s/he hits h/ by luck (person, baseball, etc.) |
't-ahtoptehmon | s/he hits it by luck |
't-ahtoptelomon | s/he shoots it by luck |
't-ahtopteluwal | s/he shoots h/ by luck |
ahtosisuwine | s/he has heart disease |
ahtulhaw, altulhaw | shirt |
ahtulhawekon, altulhawekon | rag; cloth, fabric |
ahtulhawekonuhke, altulhawekonuhke | s/he weaves cloth |
ahtulhawekonuhkewey, altulhawekonuhkewey | (weaving) loom |
ahtulhawhom, altulhawhom | s/he wears shirt |
't-ahtuwahsomal | s/he feeds h/ out of something |
Ahtuwen | Anthony |
't-ahtuwihputiyahmon, 'tuwihputiyahmon | s/he furnishes it with table(s); she tables it (motion) |
't-ahtuwihputiyektun, 'tuwihputiyektun | s/he uses it as a table |
't-ahtuwikonahsiktun | s/he rests feet on it, s/he uses it to rest feet on (e.g., desk) |
akalhike | (see okalhike) |
Akastik | in, to Augusta, Maine |
Akati | Agatha |
akawhu | tent caterpillar, army worm |
akehson | it is the same in amount or number as previously |
akehsu | (milk, etc.) s/he is the same in amount or number as previously |
aki | see!, look! |
akiht | (positive command forms only) look at it! look at them! |
akim | (number, quantity, measurement) approximately, about |