
verb ti 27
s/he does it thus, s/he does something to it
Prefixed Verb Stem : -olehtu-
Unprefixed Verb Stem : lehtu-
Changed Verb Stem : elehtu-
Verb Stem With Preverb : -ehtu- (with other initials)

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
Iya, tan-al 'tolehtun, 'tankuwehtunol kosona-al 'sepomuwihtunol. Oh, I don't know what she did, sold them or saved them. (CT)
Ma-te nulitahatomuwon elehtaq Suset. I don't like the way Susan does it.
Elections-olu tan, mecimiw tan 'tolehtuniyal? And what about elections, how did they use to do them? (DS)
Tehpu qeni-wihqonit Lane, nkossephukun, nkisi-punkun kuhutik, naka npunomakun nkat. Nuhkomoss tehpu qeni-wihqonat cihkihikonol naka tehpu tett 'tolehtun, elalokittyenaqahk cobwebs. Lane just took me, carried me indoors, put me on the bed, and put my leg up. My grandmother just took a broom and did that with it (demonstrating action), and she got so many cobwebs (to use for staunching my wound). (MA))
Tan ktolehtun? How do you do it?
Keywords :

Audio Recordings :

Audio Recording Type of Recording Authored by
word Alberta
Example Nancy
Example Nancy
Example Nancy
Example Nancy
example Alberta