ahtoli-esuwi-qasku |
s/he keeps running back and forth |
'cehqonuhsolal |
s/he walks back and forth all night holding and soothing h/ (baby) |
cikawimtuwok |
they argue with each other, argue back and forth |
ehetuwapekopehtahsu |
(basketmaking) s/he binds first in one direction and then back in the opposite direction (making the binding tighter and more even) |
esuhke (esuhkiy-) |
back and forth, taking turns, alternating |
't-esuhkehtahal |
s/he hits h/ back and forth (e.g., punching bag); (plural) they hit or shove h/ back and forth between them, they take turns hitting or shoving h/ |
't-esuhkehtehmon |
s/he hits it back and forth (e.g., gong); (plural) they hit or shove it back and forth between them, they take turns hitting or shoving it |
esuhkessu |
s/he, it goes back and forth, takes turns, alternates |
esuhketkuhu |
s/he jumps back and forth |
esuhketkuhuwiw |
it jumps back and forth |
esuhkew |
back and forth; (two people, etc.) taking turns, alternating |
esuhkiyewestuwok, esuhkewestuwok |
they talk back and forth, they communicate |
esuwacqessu |
s/he, it slides back and forth |
esuwahkewtuwok |
they throw (something) back and forth to each other |
esuwapekiye |
s/he, it swings back and forth, oscillates |
esuwapilahsu |
s/he goes back and forth on foot fetching water |
esuwapilom |
s/he goes back and forth bringing or taking water |
esuwessu |
s/he, it goes back and forth |
't-esuwewotunol |
s/he takes them back and forth (set of objects: clothes, firewood, books, etc.) |
esuwi (esuw-, esuh-, esu-) |
back and forth |
't-esuwiphal |
s/he takes or carries h/ back and forth |
esuwiphoqe |
s/he follows or chases back and forth |
't-esuwiptun |
s/he takes or carries it back and forth |
't-esuwiptuwan |
s/he carries back and forth something belonging to h/ |
't-esuwi-siptokehlal |
s/he stretches h/ back and forth |