The Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey Dictionary
Click on a letter of the alphabet to start browsing the dictionary or on one of the items listed below to see the complete entry for that item. Entries include the definition of the Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey word in English and its part of speech. Many entries also provide information about the item’s inflection (endings and prefixes), notes about its cultural significance, and English keywords that you can click on to see lists of related terms. Entries may also include audio recordings and example sentences, as well as links to videos that feature the word.
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This dictionary is a work in progress. Its contents are updated and expanded on a regular basis.
Entry | Definition |
nahkakpehtihikon | (basketmaking) tool used to tap weavers downward (to tighten basket before binding) |
nahkakpenike | s/he pushes weavers down with fingernails (to tighten basket before binding) |
nahkakpenomon | s/he pushes it downward (basket-weave, to tighten it before binding) |
nahka-luhke | s/he works downward, starts at top and works way down (e.g., painter, Christmas tree decorator) |
nahkalutike | s/he charges lower prices |
nahkaptun | s/he lowers it quickly (e.g., gun); s/he repositions it quickly downward (usually, with undesirable result; e.g., deflecting gun when pulling trigger) |
nahkasson | it goes or falls down, collapses |
nahkassu | s/he, it goes or falls down, collapses |
nahkatutom | s/he is crouching down |
nahkaw | down, downward; down to lower position |
nahkawolal | s/he hits below h/ (intended target), shoots below h/ |
nahkawotun | s/he hits below it (intended target), shoots below it |
nahkawse | s/he goes down gradually (e.g., tire deflating) |
nahkawsewiw | it goes down gradually (e.g., balloon deflating) |
nahkawtomuwiyal | s/he knocks h/ out, knocks h/ unconscious |
nahkayacqehtun | s/he slides it down (e.g., boat down to water) |
nahkayacqehtuwan | s/he pushes or drags something belonging to h/ down |
nahkayahtuwenomon | s/he dims it, turns it down or lowers it (light); s/he shines it on something lower down |
nahkayapekhomon | s/he lowers it or pulls it down with mechanical device; s/he turns its volume down (radio, etc.) |
nahkayapekhomuwan | s/he lowers it for h/, lowers something belonging to h/; s/he lowers the volume of something belonging to h/ (radio, etc.) |
nahkayawotu | s/he, it costs little, is bargain; h/, its price is low or has been lowered |
nahkayekehtun | s/he pulls it down, lowers it (curtain, veil, etc.) |
nahkayekopolike | s/he lowers shade or curtain or blind (to cover window, etc.) |
nahkayekopolikewal | s/he lowers shade or curtain or blind for h/ (to cover window, etc.) |
nahnakalihike | there is light, fluffy snow (that has fallen) |