The Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey Dictionary
Click on a letter of the alphabet to start browsing the dictionary or on one of the items listed below to see the complete entry for that item. Entries include the definition of the Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey word in English and its part of speech. Many entries also provide information about the item’s inflection (endings and prefixes), notes about its cultural significance, and English keywords that you can click on to see lists of related terms. Entries may also include audio recordings and example sentences, as well as links to videos that feature the word.
To learn more about Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey pronunciation and grammar click on one of the instructional documents in the menu on the right.
This dictionary is a work in progress. Its contents are updated and expanded on a regular basis.
Entry | Definition |
sankihiw | calmly, quietly |
'sanku | thirteen |
'sankuwewey | thirteenth (in number), thirteenth one |
'sanokahte | (book, etc.) it has three sections in form of layers, it has three pages |
sansansasi-kihkaniyehsis | sparrow (possibly white-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis) |
Sapa | male or female nickname |
sapacomu | s/he promises |
'sapalokihtehmon | s/he stabs it right through |
sapamkolenoma | s/he starts fire and keeps it burning |
sapan | porridge |
'sapapomal | s/he looks through h/, sees through h/, s/he understands h/ perfectly |
sapapotom | s/he sees solution or resolution (to problem) |
'sapapotomon | s/he sees or looks through it; s/he understands it perfectly, sees what's involved in it (e.g., math problem) |
'sapaqtahal | s/he spears h/, pierces h/ using sharp object or tool |
'sapaqtehmon | s/he pierces it with sharp object or tool (e.g., driving nail through board) |
sapaqtihikon | (fishing) salmon spear with chisel-like blade |
sapaqtuhusu | s/he stabs or pierces self all the way through (so that tip of weapon or instrument comes out other side) |
sapaqtuhusut | sword, bayonet, spear, skewer |
Sapatis | Sabattis, Sabattus; Jean-Baptiste |
'sapatpemal | s/he gets it through h/ head (i.e., makes h/ understand) |
sapawsu | s/he survives, lives through (something) |
sapawtosson | a road or path goes through |
sapessu | s/he, it goes through; (ai) s/he has diarrhea |
Sapet | Elizabeth |
sapeyu | s/he is extremely sensitive to touch (in part of body); s/he is sore, is tender |